Gain Options by Switching Your Camera’s Focal Length

Wedding photography comes with a lot of challenges, although none more panic inducing (for the photographer) than the nice, cushy, 90 minute portrait time you and your client scheduled into the timeline has been eaten up by every other crisis during the day and now you’re left with 10 minutes to make MAGIC happen. Awesome […]

Christmas Bokeh and Compression

The other day, I was watching a family take photos in front of a Christmas tree. They were standing directly in front of it. I realized that with a bit of practice, and knowledge, we can really use the lights in the tree to our advantage, and set the stage for a fantastic background for […]

C-47: The most useful tool you have in your laundry room.

Most people refer to it as a clothes pin; in Hollywood it’s referred to as a C-47. They were named that way because back in the day there were 47 pins in a pack. The C stands for clamp, hence C-47. We’ll take them and reverse the way they clamp so that they have more […]

Preparing for a Long Production Day

Media professionals can all relate to the long production day. Whether you’re a landscape photographer waking up at zero dark thirty to capture the first light or a wedding photographer shooting from bridal prep straight through to the reception, we’ve all had those days. In the video world, I’ve had my share of long production days, especially when they’re back to back.

Preparing for a Long Production Day

Media professionals can all relate to the long production day. Whether you’re a landscape photographer waking up at zero dark thirty to capture the first light or a wedding photographer shooting from bridal prep straight through to the reception, we’ve all had those days. In the video world, I’ve had my share of long production days, especially when they’re back to back.

10 Down & Dirty Quick Bird Photography Tips

I haven’t done one of these in a while so here are 10 short/quick tips for aspiring bird photographers. (In no particular order.) 1. When the sun and the wind are from the same direction, think flight photography. These are perfect conditions to shoot birds in flight. 2. Flight or not, keep the sun at […]

Lighting with China Balls

Here is a great economical way to soften your light. They’re China Balls: These were used on the set of Grey’s Anatomy. You can buy these light diffusers from World Market or     Pier 1 Imports. Here’s a link to Filmtools. Filmtools is a great resource; however, on some items they are a bit pricey. They […]