How to take fitness shots for a magazine cover

Do you know those classic fitness magazine cover shots? White background, clean and flattering lighting, recognizable poses and really fit and happy-looking subject? In this video, Joe Edelman shares some tips for taking these kinds of fitness shots. He covers everything, from choosing the right model, to preparation, shooting and even choosing the outfits. These […]

The post How to take fitness shots for a magazine cover appeared first on DIY Photography.

Rising Photography Trend: Fitness Portraits

I have noticed a growing demand for fitness photography recently – which I am taking as confirmation of a fun new rising photography trend: fitness portraits. (Other recent photography trends include: Anne Geddes babies, black and white baby parts, smash the cake, trash the dress, pet portraits, maternity boudoir, boudoir boudoir, seniors, crazy wedding composites…and […]

The post Rising Photography Trend: Fitness Portraits appeared first on DIY Photography.

A Simple Guide to Make You a Better Smartphone Photographer

If you love photography and enjoy taking photos with your smartphone, you are in good company. The appearance of smartphones with increased photographic capabilities on the market, has given birth to a new kind of photographer: the “smartphone” photographer. Smartphone photographic performances are so good, that they are responsible for

The post A Simple Guide to Make You a Better Smartphone Photographer appeared first on Expert Photography.

A Simple Guide to Make You a Better Smartphone Photographer

If you love photography and enjoy taking photos with your smartphone, you are in good company. The appearance of smartphones with increased photographic capabilities on the market, has given birth to a new kind of photographer: the “smartphone” photographer. Smartphone photographic performances are so good, that they are responsible for

The post A Simple Guide to Make You a Better Smartphone Photographer appeared first on Expert Photography.