How I created underwater rooms for “Thinking Plastic” photo project

“Describe heroin, what’s it like?” he asked Wendy. “Oh it’s euphoric, it solves all your problems… Except it kills you. Sometime around 1994, Australian television personality Andrew Denton conducted an interview with Wendy Whiteley, widow of the Australian artist Brett Whiteley. Both Wendy and her late husband had a very well documented addiction to heroin. […]

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Photographer turns 10,000 plastic bottles into an ocean for this mermaid shoot

The ideas of conservation, living “green”, fighting pollution and global warming have been at the front of everybody’s mind in recent years. Well, almost everybody. It’s gotten to the point, though, where many have become numb to the relentless commercials and posters telling us to recycle and do this and that for the planet’s benefit. […]

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Photographer turns 10,000 plastic bottles into an ocean for this mermaid shoot

The ideas of conservation, living “green”, fighting pollution and global warming have been at the front of everybody’s mind in recent years. Well, almost everybody. It’s gotten to the point, though, where many have become numb to the relentless commercials and posters telling us to recycle and do this and that for the planet’s benefit. […]

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4 toy lenses under $30 you should take for a spin

Sure, it’s wonderful to own top of the line Nikkor and Canon glass. But incredible engineering and precise alignments of optical components aren’t always needed. Sometimes you just need to have fun. And for those moments, cheap toy camera lenses are a wonderful opportunity to explore the playful and unknown. In his most recent video, […]

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