This photographer creates artistic landscapes using only surveillance cameras

We’ve all seen all kinds of cameras and different ways of creating very artistic photos. But I have recently discovered one of the most interesting landscape series so far. Surveillance Landscapes is a series of photos by fine art photographer Marcus DeSieno. Landscapes taken by something that’s not really used for art – surveillance cameras. […]

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This video shows what the ugly side of landscape photography looks like

  Everyone has those days when it would be better if they just stayed in bed. Photographers also have them, and often things simply don’t go as you’ve planned. Thomas Heaton shows what it looks like when a landscape photographer has a bad day. And no matter what kind of photography you do, you’ve probably […]

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These 10 tips will help you improve landscape photography in 2017

With the new year approaching people usually start thinking what they could do better or improve in within the new year. As a professional landscape photographer I thought it would be fun to give some tips to people starting out with landscape photography.  Don’t be scared! Don’t touch the full automatic mode in 2017 anymore! […]

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In August, the Netherlands turns purple and this is what it looks like

When photographers think of my country they think of windmills, Amsterdam and tulips. These are generally the most photographed subjects in the Netherlands. What they don’t know is that my country turns purple in August. It usually starts mid or early Augusts and ends till the end of August. It turns a lot of areas […]

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If you ever wondered what it was like to be taught by Ansel Adams, here’s your answer

Ansel Adams is one of those legends of photography that most people have heard of. Whether they’re a photographer themselves or not, they know who he is. They know of his work, they may even own some of it. For those of us who are photographers, have you ever wondered what it would have been like to […]

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How a bucket can help to improve your Seascape photography

Seascape photography isn’t something that’s really been high on my list. I’ve lived near beaches almost all of my life, but they’ve been a bit too featureless for my photographic tastes. If you are lucky enough to live near a picturesque coastline, photographer Karl Taylor offers some great tips in his new video. Some of the tricks also work around lakes, rivers and […]

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Photographer captures amazing photos of the Milky Way over the mirrored salt flats of Bolivia

Astrophotography is one of those genres I love to admire from a distance. I’ve tried it occasionally and failed miserably every time. I’m sure most of it is down to my technique, although I’m going to blame clouds and light pollution anyway. I’d love to be good at it, but it’s just not going to […]

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How to enhance and create gorgeous light rays in your landscapes in Photoshop

We’ve all been there, we see a gorgeous beautifully lit scene before us while we’re out with friends or family, but we don’t have our camera with us. So, we go back… every day.. for a month… and nothing. No matter how often we may return to a location to try and recreate that day, […]

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This photographer saved Yosemite Park, helped to create the National Parks system and shot 3D photographs over 150 years ago

Carleton E. Watkins was born on November 11, 1829, the eldest of eight children.  At the age of 22, Watkins moved to San Franciso and discovered his love of photography.  Ten years later, Watkins made a decision that not only changed his career, but perhaps the whole future of the the American wilderness. Traveling to […]

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