This is what famous movie characters would look like in Eastern European setting

Have you ever imagined famous movies and TV series in an alternative surrounding? A witty Russian artist known as 2D Among Us has. He has created a series of photos with characters from our favorite movies and series placed in the Eastern European setting. 2D Among Us describes this project with a question: What would […]

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This artist uses amazing Photoshop skill to transfer his subjects wherever they want to be

There are not many photographers left who don’t use Photoshop. Sometimes it’s just a tool for small enhancements, and sometimes it’s used to create a work of art and lead you into a world of imagination. Russian photo editing artist Max Asabin uses Photoshop to transfer the subject into any setting they like. Sometimes it’s […]

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The artist combines matte painting, collages and photography to create composites with reality of their own

What do you get when you combine matte painting, cutout fragments of old photos and magazine pictures, photography and digital manipulation? British artist Suzanne Moxhay brings these techniques together to create complex, surrealistic, and captivating artwork. Suzanne derives her artwork from the early filmmaking technique matte painting. This technique used backdrops painted on sheets of […]

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Epic pre-wedding photo shoot turns a couple into characters from Diablo III

If you and your significant other are huge fans of Diablo and you even met in-game, what would be better than a Diablo-themed pre-wedding photo shoot? Singaporean photographer Mezame Shashin-ka created a fantastic photo series that turned Alvin Lau and Alexis Loo into characters from Diablo III. It took some time and it was challenging. […]

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This Star Wars tutorial will show you how to turn your model into a Jedi

We’re only a few days away from “Rogue One” premiere, so we decided to present you with a photo editing tutorial that can help you turn anyone into a Jedi.  Mathieu Stern has published this comprehensive and easy tutorial on his website, and all you need are a Jedi, a few props, a tripod and […]

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9 reasons why learning 3D software can help you as a photographer

What’s the most important lesson that shaped you as an artist? For me it’s this. If a photographer only looks at the work of other photographers, his artistic growth will eventually stagnate or even decline due to boredom. Instead we should direct our attention to a much broader spectrum of visual art. Drawing and painting, […]

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Three Photoshop tricks for a scary Halloween

If you are a retoucher, there is no question about your favorite holiday. Let me guess… Halloween 🙂 Stefan over at the Raw Exchange just shared three quick photoshop tricks to help bring normal photos into scary Halloween composites. (Only instead of a normal photo, stefan is using probably the scariest clown I’ve seen in my […]

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Editing a Cartoon Portrait in Photoshop (and a little Affinity Photo)

Following you will find a detailed guide on how to make these cartoonish portraits, but first  I must share how they came to be. If you just want the tutorial, jump a paragraph or two forward. A few weeks ago I traveled to Birmingham UK, to hang out at the Photography Show. I met up with the […]

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