Philanthropy through photography: how to do good by doing what you love

If you were to ask me about a specific time in my life when photography made a significant impact it would’ve been fall of 2011. For my birthday, my husband surprised me by taking me out for lunch at a tiny burger dive, and then stopping in at the local art museum. He’s not exactly […]

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Creatives Against Depression: How it feels and how to progress

Depression? In order to make this hit home what it’s like living with depression I’ve written this article twice. The first half is during my mindset when I’ve been depressed, how I feel, what I think. The latter is my reflection upon the previous article when I’m in a better mindset. It took me 9 […]

The post Creatives Against Depression: How it feels and how to progress appeared first on DIY Photography.

Photoshop Luminance Masks

Editor’s Note: Don’t miss this week’s free event on when to jump from Lightroom to Photoshop.   Photoshop Luminance Masks are a great way to edit an image targeting just the areas you want. These masks aren’t solid black and whites but mirror the luminance values of a channel or channels. Lets jump into Photoshop and see […]