Full Time vs Fake Photographer, can you spot the difference?

In this very non-scientific exercise by Seattle based portrait photographer Ben Lucas, we see if subjects can tell the difference between photograph created by a full time working pro vs a paid actor. The camera, lighting and setup is identical for each “photographer”, to try and illustrate that creating a portrait is about more than just the […]

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A look at photographic experimentation in the studio

Photography has all sorts of ‘rules’ that we’re told to adhere to: thirds, inverse square, golden mean and so on. While these rules certainly help build the foundation of any great photographer, it’s important to remember to break the rules and step out of the mould every once in a while to learn and gain […]

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Canon’s latest creative experiment explores the idea of creating something from nothing

If you’re wondering why Canon was fairly silent this year at CES, it may very well be because they were working on creating ‘The Lab,’ a series of creative experiments that Canon claims is ‘designed to shift creative thinking behind the lens.’ Already, three videos from the series have been shared, including one where all […]

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6 Portrait Photographers Demonstrate the Power of (Our Own) Perspective

“A photograph is shaped more by the person behind the camera than by what’s in front of it,” Canon Australia says in a recent video. To prove this, Canon invited six photographers to take a portrait of a guy named Michael. This was not an ordinary shoot, however, as there was an interesting twist: Michael […]

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