‘Do What the F*ck You Want’ is the image licensing option you’ve never heard of

You’ve probably heard of the different variations of Creative Commons and Public Domain licenses. But did you know there are other, lesser known licenses available for use? One such license is the WTFPL—better known as the Do What the F*ck You Want to Public License. Written and released in March 2000 by Banlu Kemiyatorn, this […]

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Could YouTube Style “Matched Content” Be The Solution For Licensing Journalism and Photography?

Nobody likes having their creative content stolen, and everybody wants to be paid for their work. While file sharing has altered the power dynamic of the music industry – the music industry did successfully blow up Napster (if you’re under 30 you probably don’t recognize the name Napster – but its rise and fall was […]

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500px & Google Chromecast Partnership – Exclusive Interview With 500px

500px and Google recently announced an agreement that will see a curated selection of the 500px photography collection available to Google Chromecast users for display on their HD TVs. Here is how 500px describes the service: As one of the first external Chromecast photography partners, 500px integration will bring our community into 20 million+ Chromecast users’ homes […]

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500px & Google Chromecast Partnership – Exclusive Interview With 500px

500px and Google recently announced an agreement that will see a curated selection of the 500px photography collection available to Google Chromecast users for display on their HD TVs. Here is how 500px describes the service: As one of the first external Chromecast photography partners, 500px integration will bring our community into 20 million+ Chromecast users’ homes […]

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