Enter To Win A New Fuji X100T & Copy of Photomatix Pro

Want to make great HDR photos? Start off with a chance to do it for free thanks to HDRsoft! This contest is to celebrate the new year, photography, HDR and more – all thanks to our partner HDRsoft, the makers of Photomatix Pro. If you don’t already user Photomatix Pro, be sure to try out the demo and […]

How to Use HDR for Nighttime Photography

Making pictures at nighttime can be challenging. Parts of a picture that are lit with street lamps or other lights are very bright compared to the darkness of the sky or the shadows under trees and porches. This scene is described as having a high dynamic range—the difference between light and shadow is very great. […]

Getting Started with HDR Photography (Free Event 8/26)

Don’t miss our next Google Hangout. The event is Wednesday, August 26, 2015.  It’s absolutely free to attend thanks to HDRSoft. It starts at 1PM Eastern/10 AM Pacific.  You’ve probably heard about HDR photography…  but do you really understand how to shoot it properly?  In this informative and free event, top experts will share with you strategies on […]