Should you go to film school or learn filmmaking from the Internet?

In both filmmaking and photography, there seem to be two sides: those who believe these skills should be learned at school, and those who prefer online resources and self-teaching. Regarding this topic, Richard William Scott and Robert Carr from The Film Look created a video for all those questioning whether they should go to a […]

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Save yourself $300 and animate photographs in Photoshop with these Plotagraph style actions

I’m sure you’ll have heard the buzz about Plotagraph Pro by now. It’s a new web app in which you animate a photograph. It’s sweeping the photography world. Or, at least, it would be if it didn’t cost $300. And then $350 for each year after the first 12 months. Photographer Diako Mardanbegi thought that there must be […]

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Stop Motion photography brings Honda advert (and photographic inspiration) to life

Stop motion animation is hardly a new art, but the brand new advertisement PES created for Honda takes the art form to a new level. Instead of trying to deliver a smooth animation, the advert ‘breaks the fourth wall‘ and features the hands making the animation as part of the animation itself. Following the cues and […]

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