Photographer banned from Facebook because of naked mannequin photos [NSFW]

Canadian photographer Julia Busato had her profile banned from Facebook because of a photography project she’s been running.  Some Facebook users criticized her photos of naked women posing behind a mannequin, and reported her. As a result, Facebook banned her and she’s unable to access her personal profile and page. Not fitting into the mold […]

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This photographer creates wildlife and underwater photos without leaving his studio

Do you dream of traveling the world and taking photos of wildlife all over the globe? And does it sometimes get you down if you can’t do it? Egyptian photographer Amr Elshamy has the same dream, but he turns it into a reality – without leaving his studio. He creates “wildlife and underwater photography” using […]

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How to Find Your Style in Photography

Dear friend, Many of us are trying to find our “style” in our photography 1. Photography style But what exactly is “style”? For me, “style” in photography is about consistency of subject-matter and consistency of aesthetic (how the photo looks). For example, if you want to build a definite “style” in your photography — seek […]

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“Shoot Portraits, Not People” – a provocative project that brings guns and cameras together

In this hectic and violent world, photographers use the term “shooting” for totally different purposes. Jason Siegel is a photographer who combines the two meanings in a controversial and thought-provoking project called “Shoot Portraits, Not People”. This is his first non-photography based art project. In order to make it, he used photographic equipment built into […]

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This couple travels the world apart – but their photos bring them together

We recently shared a story about a couple of photographers who travel the world together with their home being wherever they are. But another couple has their photos inspired by traveling, only they do it in a completely different way. They don’t meet during the travels, but their photos do! And when they are stitched […]

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Beautiful models with disabilities crashes the disabled stereotype

Many a time, disabled people are perceived as a minority (which they are) and in that group, there are women, which are a minority of their own. But the Raw Beauty Project (previously) is really showing the power of photography to empower those who would otherwise considered a minority within a minority. The project says that […]

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31 Self Portraits Series Made For Halloween

Photographer Amanda Chapman has been giving Halloween the proper treatment since 2012. The project called 31 Days Of Halloween started when Amanda’s husband was diagnosed with Cancer and Amanda was looking to give something positive for the family to focus at. Her definition of “something positive to focus at” was 31 Days Of Halloween – a month where […]

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