This video explains linear perspective and geometry when shooting portraits

Remember the animation showing how focal length impacts the portrait? When you shoot with different focal lengths and your subject takes the same space in the frame, you’ll get a certain amount of distortion. As a matter of fact, this is one of the reasons why camera “adds ten pounds”. In this video, Koldunov Brothers […]

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Lightroom Hangout: Lies Cameras Tell

You gotta join us live for our next Google+ Hangout, totally free of charge. Not only will you learn terrific techniques, but if you tune in live, you can be entered to win excellent prizes to help you in your work. (Note: MUST BE TUNED IN LIVE TO WIN). We’ll be giving away a copy of Perfectly Clear from Athentech. […]

Lightroom Hangout: Lies Cameras Tell

You gotta join us live for our next Google+ Hangout, totally free of charge. Not only will you learn terrific techniques, but if you tune in live, you can be entered to win excellent prizes to help you in your work. (Note: MUST BE TUNED IN LIVE TO WIN). We’ll be giving away a copy of Perfectly Clear from Athentech. […]

Lens Distortion in Portraits

As a portrait photographer, I love getting a close, tight shot that really captures the personality of my subject. Understanding the limitations and effects your gear has on the final image is vital. Close up portraits are typically shot using a focal length of 85mm or longer, but when starting out, these lenses may not be an […]

Understanding Lens Distortion At Different Focal Lengths And How To Work With It

Wide angle lenses let you pack a lot of action into the frame, but they also present a problem: distortion. Fortunately, if you know what to expect and some of the different ways you can work with it, distortion isn’t a deal breaker. In the quick video clip below, John Greengo shares some examples of […]

The post Understanding Lens Distortion At Different Focal Lengths And How To Work With It appeared first on DIY Photography.

Quick Tip: Focal Length and Distortion

The other day I was out with some friends, and I also brought my Fuji X-T1 and 18-55mm lens along for the ride. I ordered a beer, and before having a sip I decided to photograph it. Because I was sitting close to the table, my first instinct was to photograph it with the lens zoomed in […]

Fixing Lens Distortion Issues with Lightroom

Lenses lie…  It’s a simple truth. Do you want to xinsure that your photos are as accurate as possible?  You should realize that all lenses distort images (at least a small amount). This is why you should take the extra step to remove lens distortion.  The technology is built right into Adobe Camera Raw so you […]