Quick tip: Incorporating color gels in your portrait work

  If you haven’t used color gels so far, in this video you’ll see some quick tips how to introduce color gels into your portrait work. Photographer Manny Ortiz gives you a suggestion of the setting, and also a quick tip how to make the best out of color gels. Manny uses two speedlights, one […]

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Quick tip: Incorporating color gels in your portrait work

  If you haven’t used color gels so far, in this video you’ll see some quick tips how to introduce color gels into your portrait work. Photographer Manny Ortiz gives you a suggestion of the setting, and also a quick tip how to make the best out of color gels. Manny uses two speedlights, one […]

The post Quick tip: Incorporating color gels in your portrait work appeared first on DIY Photography.

When An Alienbees Studio Flash Thinks It’s A Smoke Machine

Alienbees are known to be solid and reasonably priced studio flashes, offering great value for your money. Perhaps in attempt to give photographer Rebecca Britt more than she paid for, her one month-old Alienbees B400 decided it will double as a smoke machine. As Resource Magazine points out, these flashes are awesome but their build […]

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