Photographer created a desert in his studio to photograph the the Audi Q2

The imagination and skill of photographer Felix Hernandez never ceases to amaze me. When it comes to car photography, he certainly thinks way outside of the box to get the shot. Regularly producing images with miniatures that most people would assume were full size vehicles if they weren’t told otherwise. In collaboration with Audi Magazine, […]

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Who needs a $160,000 Audi when you can shoot a $40 scale model

What happens when a miniature photographer discusses collaboration with a multi-million car company? He ends up shooting their $160,000 car, an Audi R8, using a $40 scale model. Photographer Felix Hernández (more from Felix) discussed some potential ideas with Audi. The result was so awesome that Audi decided to share it on their media channels. The catch? […]

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