How to Use HDR for Nighttime Photography

Making pictures at nighttime can be challenging. Parts of a picture that are lit with street lamps or other lights are very bright compared to the darkness of the sky or the shadows under trees and porches. This scene is described as having a high dynamic range—the difference between light and shadow is very great. […]

Photofocus Photowalk: Downtown Ft. Lauderdale with Levi Sim

Ft. Lauderdale is home to one of my oldest photography adventures, and I’m so happy to be there again. I hope you’ll come into town and join me for a fun evening making pictures of the city, people, and whatever we can find. It’s the best way to practice and make new friends, as well. […]

Photofocus Photowalk: Austin, Texas with Levi Sim

Austin is one of the towns I’ve been most excited about visiting as I tour and demonstrate Perfectly Clear. It’s rich with history and culture, and I can’t wait to see and photograph it. Please join me for a fun evening making pictures downtown. We’ll start at the capitol building (meet at the Visitors Center), and […]

Photo Walk Like a Boss

Today is Scott Kelby’s 8th Annual Photo Walk and with almost 1,000 walks scheduled around the world, it’s your best chance to get out and photo walk like a boss. While the event is today, you should still find many events still have slots open and you can go walk and meet new friends. Use the […]

Photo Walk Like a Boss

Today is Scott Kelby’s 8th Annual Photo Walk and with almost 1,000 walks scheduled around the world, it’s your best chance to get out and photo walk like a boss. While the event is today, you should still find many events still have slots open and you can go walk and meet new friends. Use the […]

Photofocus Photowalk: Nightscapes in Sacramento, California

This week’s Photowalk is happening in Sacramento, California, which happens to be the capitol of California. That means we get to practice nighttime pictures at the Capitol building, and I’m really excited. We’ll figure out how to get those terrific star bursts on lights, and maybe even try some HDR techniques to help manage the […]