Smoke – As A Symbol(Mythology and Mysticism)

“When the mind is enlightened,
the spirit is free
and the body matters not.”

– Oma Desala, Stargate SG-1, Episode, “Meridian”

We gaze into a fire and watch the wood as it burns. We then
notice that from the burning wood Smoke is created. We watch
this Smoke as it leaves the fire and ascends toward the sky
above. As we watch, we notice that the Smoke begins to
dissipate as it ascends until it is finally becomes invisible; as
if swallowed up by the heavens above.

This is the essence of Smoke. It begins as a thick mass which
dissipates as it ascends until it finally becomes undetectable
somewhere above us. From this characteristic is where we obtain
the Symbolism, along with the Rituals, which is associated with

Smoke symbolizes the transition of matter into spirit. Therefore,
Smoke represents the ascension of the immortal soul as it leaves
the mortal body.

Smoke represents the release of the soul, or spirit, from its visible
and physical form and its sublime ascent back into the invisible
and spiritual realm from whence it originally came: the realm in
which it existed prior to its imprisonment in matter.

This metaphor is a Lesson which reminds us that Spirit, in its
natural state, is free. It also reminds us that Spirit can exist
without matter, but matter cannot exist without Spirit.

Smoke is also used as a method of communication.

In addition to sending secret and sacred messages between other
persons, tribes or communities here on earth by way of smoke
signals, the sacred fires of indigenous cultures use Smoke to
communicate their Prayers and requests to the Deities and the
Spirits of their ancestors who reside in the heavens above.

As a Symbol of ascension and communication, Smoke is also
used in sacred religious Ceremonies in conjunction with Prayers
and Blessings. It is also used in Rituals that both invoke and
honor Divinity and acknowledge the Spirit which resides within
each one of us.

The Smoke rising from funeral pyres symbolizes the final release
and ascent of Spirit from the material remains of the deceased.

The Smoke rising from the peace pipe Symbolizes the Prayers
and Promises of the participants as it Travels upward, in a united
vision and bond of friendship, toward the spiritual realm of the
gods and forefathers of those participating in the Ceremony.
In this manner Smoke carries the vows, oaths, and Promises of
the participants of the Ceremony into the Spiritual Realm where
they are recognized, accepted, recorded and Blessed.

Incense, resins and herbs are placed within Censers and burned
in order to create the scented and aromatic Smoke used in
religious Ceremonies which is pleasing and Harmonious to both
people and Spirits.

The Censer is then swung in the direction of the participants
in order to Bless them, cleanse them, and unite in Prayer.

The pleasant aromas from the Censer help set the mood for the
Ceremony and make the participants Aware that Divinity is
among them and is also participating in the Ceremony along
with them.

See also:Spirit and Matter” and
Dust (Mythology, Mysticism and Symbolism)

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My Email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the “Comment” link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2012

In Pursuit of Wizards, Guides and Mentors

“Small is the number of people
who see with their own eyes;
think with their own minds;
and feel with their own hearts.”

– Albert Einstein

“All cosmic secrets must be pursued and earned.”
– Joseph Panek

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if each one of us could have our very own
Merlin, Gandalf or Dumbledore to guide, instruct and protect us?
A Wizard who would reveal to us all of the magic and secrets of
the universe?

How many of us have fantasized over the possibility of being
granted timeless secrets, hidden Wisdom, and ancient magical
powers? And, wouldn’t it be grand to have all of these things
bestowed upon us without having to pay a price?

But, alas, we realize that this cannot be so. For in order for us to
obtain Wisdom and Magic of this magnitude a price must be paid.
The greater the prize, the greater the price!

In our Quest for Truth and Wisdom we find ourselves Traveling
down many different Paths in the Hope of finding someone who
will enlighten us, and Instruct us, in the Divine Principles of the

But, after fantasizing and wishing, perhaps for many years, for
such a personal mentor to enter our lives we ultimately realize
that there is no such one person available to us at this particular
Time in the current evolution of our planet.

So, in the end, those of us who Choose to steadfastly pursue
ancient and Esoteric Wisdom eventually accept the fact that the
age of Master Teachers and Mystery Schools is a thing of the

It is at this point that the True Seeker understands that although
there no longer are any Master Teachers available to us today,
the works and Lessons of the Master Teachers of the Past still
remain. And it is through the Lessons of the Master Teachers
of the Past that the current Seeker sets out upon the Path of

For the True Seeker of today realizes that when we rely solely
upon external mentors to do for us the tasks for which we have
been placed into Our Current Incarnation to experience for
ourselves we invite many obstacles in our Paths. These obstacles
occur for a variety of reasons. For example:

1. The world is full of charlatans who claim to have the secrets of
the universe and are willing to make these secrets available “for a
price”. These are the snake-oil salesmen who make a living by
preying upon the lazy and the gullible.
2. We may find a mentor who is very knowledgeable, but not in
the specific area in which we have a special interest.
3. We may find a mentor who presents us with knowledge which
we are not yet ready to receive. In other words, we may not have
reached the proper moment of unfoldment that enables us to
appreciate and understand the principles being presented to us.
4. There may be time constraints placed upon either us or our
mentor which prevent us from properly receiving the knowledge
which our mentor has the ability to impart upon us.
5. Our mentor may leave us prior to fulfilling the task we had
expected of them.
6. As no person can teach beyond the limit of their knowledge,
our education is limited to only what our mentor currently knows.

No one person has all of the answers. However, many other
Seekers, both past and present, have partial answers. It is up
to us, as True Seekers, to piece together these partial answers
in the same way that we piece together a jigsaw puzzle until the
final piece is in place and the puzzle is complete.

The Merlins, Dumbledores, Gandalfs, and other great Wizards
of the past are extremely rare. However their Wisdom and
knowledge still lives on and is available to all of us.

Their Wisdom and knowledge comes to us in bits and pieces
from a variety of ancient sources. These bits and pieces must be
pursued, interpreted, understood and earned by all modern Seekers.

And remember, all Merlins, Gandalfs and Dumbledores willingly
paid extremely high prices for their Wisdom. They also spent
many long and arduous years accumulating the secrets which
enabled them to learn and perfect their craft.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My Email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the “Comment” link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2012

Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh and The Three Wise Men, or Magi (Symbolism)

Then, opening their treasure chests,
they offered him gifts of gold,
frankincense, and myrrh.

– Matthew 2:1-12

Three is the number which Symbolizes creation, the creative
principles, and the creative process (See:The Three Gunas“).
Here we find the number Three represented by the Three Wise
Men, or Magi, along with their Three Gifts of Gold, Frankincense,
and Myrrh.

But, who were these Wise Men, or Magi? And why did they
specifically offer the gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh?

In order to un-Veil the answers these questions we must first
examine the mysticism and and Esoteric meanings hidden
within these ancient and mysterious Wise Men and their Gifts.

The Three Magi (Wise Men): Magi is the plural of Magician;
a word which has become corrupted, abused, and discredited
by modern society.

However, in ancient times, a Magician was someone who
understood herbs, potions, elixirs, healing, divination, the
Cycles of Eternity, and the movement of the heavens. They were
the Initiates who received secret and sacred Instruction regarding
the divine spiritual essences, or “magic”, which lies behind all
cosmic and worldly things and Events.

Therefore, in ancient times a magician, and its plural magi, was
a term used to describe Wise Men, Holy Men, Shamans and

Gold: The characteristics and Symbolism of Gold have been
discussed in detail in a previous article titled: Gold – As A Symbol.
Gold is Symbolic of the uncorruptible, the untarnishable, and the
eternal. Therefore Gold is the color used to represent the “Son”,
or Atman; the divine spiritual essence which burns within each
one of us.

Frankincense is an aromatic resin which is obtained from an
extremely hardy tree called Bosaellia Sacra which has the ability
to grow in the most hostile, rugged and unforgiving environments.
It has the ability to grow where there is no soil; it can even grow
out of solid rock. Therefore this tree is a Symbol for resilience,
strength, endurance and Sovereignty.

Frankincense is obtained by cutting or slashing the tree so that
its sap can bleed out. The sap bleeds out in the form of “tears”;
and this may be the same “tears” referred to in religious lore as
the “tears of the Madonna”.

Its pleasant aroma, which was associated with the masculine
energy of the heavens and of life, was mixed with other oils to
anoint newborn babies. Frankincense was also used during
Initiation Ceremonies to anoint worthy Initiates who were entering
into the newer, higher, and more sublime phases of their spiritual
life. Frankincense may have been the same fragrance, mixed with
oils, which was used to anoint the feet of The Christ.

Myrrh is a resin obtained from a thorny tree which grows in dry
and arid desert regions. When the bark of this tree is cut open,
its resin seeps out as a gum.

Myrrh was valued for its medicinal values and was used to disinfect
and cleanse wounds. It also has the ability to mask odors and was
therefore used in embalming Rituals.

Myrrh Symbolizes a feminine and nurturing essence, or energy,
which is linked with the earth.

Conclusion: In ancient times, Frankincense and Myrrh were often
considered to be more valuable than Gold; with Myrrh being the
most valuable of the three.

As Gold represents the untarnishable, the uncorruptible, and the
eternal, it Symbolizes the eternal Source, the eternal Unity, from
which everything in the material realm originates.

As Frankincense Symbolizes the masculine essence and Myrrh
the feminine essence, these two fragrant essences represent the
duality, and extremes of duality, which permeate the created, or
physical, realm.

Frankincense is the fragrance used in the Symbolic anointing oil
which was used to welcome the newborn Christ, and thereby all
newborn infants, into the physical world.

The thorns of the Myrrh tree represent the “Crown of Thorns”
placed upon the head of Jesus at the end of his life. Furthermore,
because Myrrh was used in embalming Rituals, and is linked
to the Earth, it Symbolizes the end of our physical life; the time
when our spiritually vacated bodies are Ceremoniously prepared
for entrance into their final resting place within the nurturing Womb
of Mother Earth. This is the time when our physical bodies are no
longer required as our spirit has already left it to return back to
the Golden Unity from which it originally came.

Therefore, as Gold Symbolizes the One eternal Source of all
creation, Frankincense and Myrrh, on the other hand, represent
the dual result of all creation: life and death; beginning and end.
They are Symbolic the two extremes of duality in the Life-Death
Cycle of the created, or manifested, realm.

And finally, the Three Wise Men (The Three Magi, or Magicians)
represent The Three Gunas. They are Symbolic of the creative
processes, and energies, which permeate all realms of creation.

See also:The Winter Solstice

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the “Comment” link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2011

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