Learn From The Masters: Muybridge To Witkin

Hey FashionPhotographyBlog.com readers! Alana Tyler Slutsky is back on

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It Made Click! Glamour Model Rates

There are people who have strong opinions about what is a fair compensation for amateur models doing sexy photo shoots that are conducted by hobby photographers. 

Before discussing what pricing should be, etc. it is important that we define some aspects before moving forward.
What is an Amateur Model?
An amateur model is a woman that is the middle ground between a pretty girl with zero experience and a professional model. Although an amateur model has experience with being in front of the camera, she will not have as much time or experience as a model that is under the professional umbrella. This is a model that is not represented by an agency, etc. She enjoys having her picture taken, but this is not what she does for a living. 
What is a Hobby Photographer?
This is a photographer that is not consistently paid for their work. For the most part, they are photographing concepts due to the enjoyment of the craft and an occasional publication submission.
What is considered a Sexy Photo Shoot?
A sexy photo shoot is one that consists of artistic nudes or lingerie themed photos. This is not a shoot that calls for a woman to look sexy in an evening gown, etc. It is also not about pink shots, but a sexy, artistic rendering of a concept derived by a client or the photographer himself. 
What is fair?
Now that we have defined the basic terms of this quandary, let us tackle it head on. Universally it has been deemed acceptable for an amateur model to be paid $50 per hour for her participation in a sexy photo shoot. There are hobby photographers that are most likely twisting their faces right about now. But let’s take a deep breath. I know that many of you feel that if you are not being paid, that you should not be paying a model; and especially not one that is not a professional. Well, you have the choice of seeking out a model that is willing to shoot TFP; but there is a reason why you chose the model that requires payment.
It is perfectly ok for a model to ask for payment given that she is giving up the rights to her image in regards to the shoot and she must handle hair and make-up (in most cases) herself. Not to mention, many of you had your disappointments with models that work solely for TFP. Models that work for payment tend to be, on average, more experienced and more professional. You will be left with stunning pictures for your budget class. It is a win-win for both parties involved.
On the other side of the spectrum, I also know that there are models that are dropping train cases thinking that the unveiling of $50 per hour is going to be the muddying of the model payment tier. Dear darlings, be aware that this minimal fee will do nothing to the fees that professional models can charge. As an amateur you in no way can command the same wages and/or perks of a professional or super model. Anyway, the gigs paying $50 are in another league than the ones paying professional wages. There is no overlap, hence no damage done to the industry.
In the video above I go into more detail about this and point out how supermodels are also working for these low rates sometimes and why it makes good sense for them.
For us photographers, this is a clear pointer how we can attract the right talent within the budget that we have. So check out the video and please give it a thumbs up!
I wish you good light!

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Tips For Working with Agency Models

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Occam’s (Ockham’s) Razor

“The wisdom of life consists
in the elimination of non-essentials.”
– Lin Yutang

“When you have eliminated the impossible,
whatever remains, however improbable,
must be the truth.”
– Sherlock Holmes

Who was Occam?

According to Wikipedia:

William of Ockham (also Occam, c. 1288 – c. 1348) was an
English Franciscan friar and scholastic philosopher, who is
believed to have been born in Ockham, a small village in Surrey.
He is considered to be one of the major figures of medieval thought
and was at the centre of the major intellectual and political
controversies of the fourteenth century. Although he is commonly
known for Occam’s razor, the methodological principle that bears his
name, William of Ockham also produced significant works on logic,
physics, and theology. In the Church of England, his day of
commemoration is 10 April.

What is Occam’s Razor?

The entire metaphor and philosophy of Occam’s Razor is based
on the principle that at the heart of every problem, dilemma or
baffling question there lies one, and only one, core issue which
needs to be resolved. Once we recognize what this one core issue
is, we are then able to properly solve our problem, resolve our
dilemma and answer whatever question that has been puzzling us.

Almost every problem which confounds not only us, but society
as well, has become confounding due to the many non-essential,
un-related and petty arguments which have been attached to the
one underlying core issue.

Once we strip away all of the petty controversies which find a way
of attaching themselves to any core issue, we are then able to
reduce all debates, problems and confusing thoughts to their most
basic principle. And once any argument or problem is reduced to
its most basic principle, the problem automatically solves itself.

But, why a razor?

A razor is a reference to shaving away, peeling away, or slicing
away all unnecessary and superfluous attachments which cover
up the one basic and simple answer, principle or Truth which one
is Seeking.

As we keep whittling away all that is superfluous and unnecessary
we eventually uncover the one true and sole issue which has
become buried, concealed and lost beneath a mountain of
contradictory debates, petty arguments, confused thoughts,
unfounded theories, false information and biased thinking.

The metaphor of Occam’s Razor instructs us that the simplest
and most unconditional answer, an explanation based upon the
fewest and possibly no assumptions, is most often the correct
answer; for it is the one answer that is free from all assumptions,
speculations, opinions, hypotheses and all other various types
of clutter.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My Email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the “Comment” link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2014