Playing with your camera DOES matter!

Your Quick Daily Photo: Open on April 1st only!

Sometimes we photographers spend much more time dreaming, thinking, reading or maybe arguing about photography than we do actually making photographs. Overcoming this camera inertia is key! Using our camera should be second nature: no real thinking or effort required, just like we don’t have to think about which pedal to press when we are driving a car.

On, I created a little motivational program for photographers. It leads you to shoot at least one very quick photo every day. In the program I will take away all excuses for not finding the couple of seconds it takes to do this one single photo.

I’ve developed and tested this program with some awesome fellow photographers, who signed up for my 1-on-1 coaching. What we found is that picking up your camera every day, dialing in specific settings and shooting a random photo makes handling your camera feel “natural and effortless.” From experience, I can tell you that this is the state of mind you want to be in if you would like to improve or if you want to create a high volume of work like I do. is offering this 30-day program at the super low, one-time charge of $9.95. It’s open for people to join until tomorrow evening because we want everybody to start on April 1st. After that, it closes as we bring the first group of photographers through the program.

If things go well, then will reopen the program every first of the month from there on.

If you join it right now, you can go through it as often and as long as you like, without paying again.

Check it out before April 2nd:

==> Your Quick Daily Photo

See you and YOUR CAMERA on!

I wish you good light!

On Assignment: I Got Rhythm

I have been photographing dancers for several years now as part of my affiliation with the local arts council. The results were catch-as-catch-can, mostly because of the limitations of flash recycle time, timing, and my not really knowing what to expect from them nor when to expect it.

But a little trick I tried last week changed everything.

Read more »

Issue 14: Outdoor Lighting

In Issue 14 we looked into various examples for lighting outdoors. One of them being the third installment of our spicy holiday photo series that so many of you love. In our last two issues, we looked at how you can create beautiful holiday pictures with any camera, even if all you’ve got is a smart phone or a small mirror-less camera.

But what if you don’t believe in shortcuts and compromises? What if your DSLR camera is your travel camera? In that case, kudos and watch what happens:


I wish you good light!



Image above

Model: Emily Wei
Photo: Michael Zelbel


100.000+ Readers and the new Lighting Notebook

Thanks a ton to the 100k photographers who read Good Light! Mag on their mobile devices!
Celebrating this important milestone we decided to launch a collection of lighting setups in form of an eBook.
We are happy todo what we had never done before: off…

Swinging and The Sunday Times

While we were producing material for our series on Spicy Holiday Photos on Lanzarote, a British newspaper reached out to Emily and me for an interview regarding swinging and alternative lifestyles. The Sunday Times sent the awesome journalist…

Deadline March 15th: Submit a spicy photo and get published!

Got a spicy photo that would be awesome in Good Light! Mag? Submit them to our photo contest!

The rules are simple: Share a photo that is in some way or another related to a spicy lifestyle.

The deadline is March 15th 2015.

Entering the contest is free. There are no submission fees.

We will announce winners in two categories:
Grand Jury – Win a publication in Good Light! Magazine and the ViewBug blog as well as a free 1-year membership in Michael Zelbel’s photographer coaching club 

People’s Choice – Win a publication in Good Light! Magazine and the ViewBug blog as well as a free 1-year membership in Michael Zelbel’s photographer coaching club

This photo contest is powered by our awesome cousins from ViewBug. Check it out and

Share photos your spicy photo! 



If you win in the one or the other category, then we will see your photo in Good Light! Magazine Issue 17 and I will welcome you in my photographer coaching club.

I wish you good light!



Traveling Photographer_NYC has Posted

For those of you following along with The Traveling Photographer series, Lynda has just posted the New York City episode.

This is a city I have visited many times, so we tried to distill this visit down to a small collection of very cool photo experiences. I hope you like it.

Lastly, NYC completes the series—for now, anyway. Whether or not it continues will be determined solely by how many views it gets. So thanks in advance for your support.


Issue 13: Romance

Issue 13 is out. Hopefully you are subscribed to Good Light! Mag. In this case the issue is ready in your app or in your inbox. If you are not subscribed, then do it right now over here. 
Readers really loved the photo tips from Lanzarote in …