Sony A7R II Review

Sony A7R II Review thumbnail

The Sony A7R II is a hotly-anticipated full-frame compact system camera that promises to outclass the DSLR competition. Is this the best full-frame camera on the market? Read our Sony A7R II review to find out…

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Nikon D5 Rumored Specs Updated

Nikon Rumors has posted a new list of updated specs for the highly-anticipated D5. Nothing groundbreaking with leaks or features that haven’t been kicked around before but we are expecting something official in early 2016. Check out the collected list below. Nikon D5 Rumored Specs New 20MP FX sensor New focusing module with larger coverage […]

This Cheesy Compilation Shows How Hard It Was Modeling In The 80’s

Modeling is not easy. I am not being a cynic here. Done right it can be a very demanding job and has much more to do than just ‘looking pretty’. There is posing involved, understanding lighting, makeup, and hard physical work. This has always been the case. But looking at the job from the pink […]

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Portrait Posing Tip: Forward and Down

When it comes to portraits, the slightest change in posing can dramatically change the feel and look of the overall image. It is normal for people to sit with their heads further back, which does not make for an engaging portrait. One of the most simple shifts in your subject’s head position can change everything. […]

Aeon Is a New GoPro Gimbal That Looks Like An Alien Weapon

While GoPro supplies great footage it is often unusable without some sort of stabilization. Sometimes stabilization is made in post, with some cost in image quality, but we are seeing more and more options for stabilizing footage while shooting. This is what Aeon wants to do for your GoPro – “Create Smooth, Cinematic Videos“. The Aeon has […]

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Camera Modes: M for Manual

As part of an ongoing look at basic camera settings and features, we now take a look at Manual mode on your camera. It most commonly is available on cameras that have a mode dial and is represented by the ‘M’ on that dial – and it is a powerful camera mode that every photographer […]

Updated: rumored specs for the Nikon D5

The most recent update to the rumored specs for Nikon’s upcoming flagship DSLR, expected to be named the D5, confirms most previously mentioned specs, includes more info regarding the 4K video capabilities, mentions full HD slow motion and a possible decrease in the expected number of autofocus points. Despite the possible decrease from previously rumored […]

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