Camouflaging Shadows

“Your greatest curse could be your greatest blessing” Shadows, at times they are such a curse, but with a bit of creative manipulating they can be a wonderful blessing. When working on a Hollywood set there are times I’ll will have the Grips (the guys who rig things, their name comes from old Hollywood “because […]

Best Black Friday camera deals for photographers

The biggest shopping day of the year is nearly upon us, and amongst all the bargains to be had are some pretty great deals for photographers. On this page you’ll find links to all the best Black Friday deals pages from popular online retailers, as well as some specific deals we feel are particularly great offers.

The post Best Black Friday camera deals for photographers appeared first on Digital Camera World.

LG G4 Review

LG G4 Review thumbnail

The LG4 is a smartphone that focuses on image quality, with a 16 megapixel sensor and f/1.8 lens onboard, along with Raw format support and even a manual shooting mode. Is this the smartphone that every photographer has been waiting for? Read our LG4 review to find out…

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“Shoot Film Not Megapixels” And Other Sh*t Film Photographers Say [Humor]

Need a laugh break? Take a look at the latest installment form DigitalRev. This time, the team is poking a little fun at film photographers by spouting off some of the (ahem) more self-righteous things that tend to come out of film enthusiast’s mouths. Of course, it’s all in good humor, but the look Kai gets while […]

The post “Shoot Film Not Megapixels” And Other Sh*t Film Photographers Say [Humor] appeared first on DIY Photography.

Join Us For a Free Webinar on Creating Awesome Panoramic Photos

In today’s free webinar, you’ll learn the essential skills to create awesome looking panoramic photos.  Join Photofocus editor Rich Harrington as he shows you how to shoot Panoramic images the right way (even without a tripod). Free Webinar: Creating Awesome Panoramic Photos We’ll then jump into the most streamlined postproduction.  You’ll learn how to assemble panoramic […]