Succeeding with your goals this year

Succeeding with your goals this year It’s February, how are your goals coming? Let’s revist how you are setting your goals and some tips to keep them going. It’s easy to set goals. We all can do it? How many of us have set goals and never reached them? We all have. We may do […]

How To Make a DIY Honeycomb Strobe / Flash / Speedlight Grid with Straws

So, this article is for stylish-or-so (mostly wedding) photographers on a budget; if you were looking for a DIY honeycomb speedlight grid that is sleek, easy to mount and efficient, to use on your strobes during balls, parties and any low light dynamic situations that you might face during your events, you might be interested in this […]

The post How To Make a DIY Honeycomb Strobe / Flash / Speedlight Grid with Straws appeared first on DIY Photography.

Reader Photos Roundup: February 7, 2016

It’s time for our weekly break from the gear for a few minutes so we can enjoy another round of reader photos from the Photography Bay Flickr Group. Check out the rest of the photos below. Clicking on the photos will take you to its Flickr page where you can read more about the shot, […]

Understanding Medium Format Crop Factors

Anyone that’s shot a DSLR in a remotely serious manner is aware of the crop factor for APS-C format cameras when compared to their full frame cousins. Nikon and Sony APS-C cameras yield a 1.5x crop factor, while Canon APS-C cameras have a 1.6x crop factor. And, invariably, if you use the phrase “crop factor,” […]

Photo of the day: Symmetry

Category: Street. Photograph: “Symmetry” by Alessio Orrù (username “Alessio Orrù” on Flickr). Originally shared on the Photofocus Flickr community right here. Why I picked this image: This image caught my attention because it combines nice symmetry with a human element. Judging by the shadows this image was captured on a sunny day. But due to underexposure […]

Place Images and Videos Within Text in Photoshop

In just one minute, learn how to place images and videos within your text in Adobe Photoshop using a Clipping Mask. Disclaimer: Minute Photoshop Tips are not meant to act as full training videos. Their purpose is to give you a glimpse into what’s possible in Photoshop. Howard Pinsky is an online Photoshop and Lightroom educator, offering over […]

Photographing La Jolla Cove’s Brown Pelican Colony

I was lucky enough recently to get another opportunity to photograph California Brown Pelicans, a subspecies of P. occidentalis, – the smallest member of the pelican family at LaJolla Cove near San Diego. On and off over the last 20 years I’ve visited this location during the second/third week of January when the pelicans are […]