Adobe Bridge 6.2 Released

Adobe has updated Bridge CC to version 6.2 and added some important user experience and asset management features to it. Key features in this update include: Automated cache management On-demand thumbnail generation Import from device option on Mac Reinstated Autostack Panorama/HDR feature Bridge CC 6.2 is available for Adobe Creative Cloud subscribers in the Creative […]

Tripod Deals This Week

B&H has several tripod deals going on this week. Check them out via the links below.
Induro tripods up to $60 off
Manfrotto tripods up to $70 off
Oben tripods, monopods and ballheads up to $100 off
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The history of photography, explained in 5 minutes

Photography might be a young art for all intents and purposes, but that doesn’t mean its history is anything less than complicated. Thankfully, if you don’t care to take a semster-long course on how photography came to be, COOPH has created a helpful video that breaks down the history of photography in just five minutes. […]

The post The history of photography, explained in 5 minutes appeared first on DIY Photography.