First Pass – Editing Your Photographs

You’re going to come back from photo trips with lots of pictures. If you’re not careful, you’ll soon be drowning in pictures, unable to find the ones you really need while storing and managing those that you don’t want. The secret to easy picture management is to toss out, reject/archive or delete as many as […]

How To Create Digital Double Exposure Portraits

This technique is inspired by what was possible way back using film, by exposing the same position of the roll for several times. Doing this, enabled re-exposing the dark parts of a film to a new light. (assuming they were dark and unexposed on the first exposure). Of course doing this well, required lots of film […]

The post How To Create Digital Double Exposure Portraits appeared first on DIY Photography.

The History of Photography in 5 Minutes

Check out this short but great video that covers the history of photography in five minutes. However, I wish the video wouldn’t have glossed over some of the more recent brands and trends, which have some interesting history in their own right. [via ISO1200] Copyright/DMCA Notice: The RSS entry was originally published on Photography Bay. RSSID#794326