Reader Photos Roundup: February 14, 2016

It’s time for our weekly break from the gear for a few minutes so we can enjoy another round of reader photos from the Photography Bay Flickr Group. Check out the rest of the photos below. Clicking on the photos will take you to its Flickr page where you can read more about the shot, […]

Pentax K-1 Product Photos Leak Out

The ever-faithful Digicame-info has posted what appears to be the final product images of the upcoming Pentax K-1 full frame DSLR. Teases and tidbits from Pentax and Ricoh of a full frame DSLR have been part of the discussion for years. And rumors of such a camera have been around for the better part of […]

Photo of the day: In goat we trust…

Category: Street. Photograph: “In goat we trust…” by Sohail Karmani (username “Sohail Karmani” on Flickr). Originally shared on the Photofocus Flickr community right here. Why I picked this image: How could I have not picked this image? This image was captured by Sohail in Pakistan and shows a scene that he encountered on the street. Two […]

Shooting HDR Timelapse – Developing HDR Photomatix

I’m a huge timelapse fan…  plus I’m a bit nutty about HDR.  In this tutorial I show you how easy it easy to batch process a giant HDR series.  I shot in Zion National park and created HDR timelapse movies to tell the whole story. You can learn more in this complete course. This […]

4K time-lapse from NASA shows the sun’s explosive corona in action

Six years ago, NASA launched its Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), a mission and accompanying module designed to monitor the sun in an attempt to better understand its electromagnetic behavior and the various phenomena it impacts. A major component of this was to capture consistent images using extreme ultraviolet imaging, a technic used due to its […]

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Book Review: Rick Sammon’s Creative Visualization for Photographers

Rick Sammon has a super power: he makes any photographic technique or concept simple to understand. It’s really an incredible talent he has cultivated, and he turns it loose to help photographers. He’s been teaching a long time, and his latest book is a culmination of a lifetime of learning, shooting, and teaching. Rick Sammon’s […]