Sony announces Industry 1st stacked CMOS sensor with hybrid autofocus and 3-axis stabilization

Following from last year’s announcement that they were raising 440 billion yen (nearly $4 billion) to further development and production of new sensor technology, Sony have started to reveal the fruits of their labor with the announcement of their new IMX318 sensor. Aimed squarely at the mobile devices market and with a pixel size of only 1.0μm, they’re able to […]

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Short Movie Shows How Happy Casual Social Media Photos Are Really Taken

I’ve always held the opposite opinion when confronted with the phrase “The camera never lies”. If you ask me, the camera’s always lied and that lying often causes controversy. This amusing video by Bí Kíp Sống Ảo goes some way towards showing just how true this is, especially when it comes to social media photography. Even before digital, the […]

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Cucoloris for Shadowed Texture

So often someone will take the time to light the talent to look great but forget to light the background and give the image some depth: One method is to use a Cucoloris. Some will refer to it a s a cookie cutter:The Cucoloris will create a shadowed texture onto your background depending on the […]

Gray Market War: Is the Writing on the Wall?

We are continuing to dig into Canon USA’s case against gray market retailers here in the US. Specifically, Canon is targeting popular gray market retailers Get It Digital, LLC, All New Shop, LLC and F & E Trading, LLC (aka Big Value, Inc., Electronics Valley and others) as they cut into Canon USA’s profit margin by importing […]

Leaked photos reveal Canon’s upcoming 80D camera

Earlier today, we shared a collection of leaked images that showed off Canon’s upcoming EF-S 18–135mm f/3.5–5.6 IS lens and an accompanying Canon Power Adapter. Now, an all new leak has come to fruition, showing off the very camera that this new lens will likely be paired with as a kit lens, the Canon EOS […]

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Leaked photos reveal Canon’s upcoming 80D camera

Earlier today, we shared a collection of leaked images that showed off Canon’s upcoming EF-S 18–135mm f/3.5–5.6 IS lens and an accompanying Canon Power Adapter. Now, an all new leak has come to fruition, showing off the very camera that this new lens will likely be paired with as a kit lens, the Canon EOS […]

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