Neuroscientist Take On Photography Is Hypnotic And Disgusting At The Same Time

Having recently stumbled across the work of Scientist and Fine Art Photographer Dr Eran Gilat I immediately fell in love with it. Some may find his subject matter a little bit weird or creepy, but it definitely hits the spot for me from both aesthetic and technical standpoints.  Perhaps that’s because it’s a little bit weird and creepy, but […]

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Get your Color Theory game on point with this fantastic video

Color is something that’s on my mind a lot throughout the shoot process. It’s something to consider when planning, shooting or doing post work. This video from motion graphics artist Rhea Lelina Manglapus does a decent job at making color theory both fun to watch and pretty easy to grasp. Starting with the basics, Rhea takes us on a journey […]

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A Simple Guide to Make You a Better Smartphone Photographer

If you love photography and enjoy taking photos with your smartphone, you are in good company. The appearance of smartphones with increased photographic capabilities on the market, has given birth to a new kind of photographer: the “smartphone” photographer. Smartphone photographic performances are so good, that they are responsible for

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A Simple Guide to Make You a Better Smartphone Photographer

If you love photography and enjoy taking photos with your smartphone, you are in good company. The appearance of smartphones with increased photographic capabilities on the market, has given birth to a new kind of photographer: the “smartphone” photographer. Smartphone photographic performances are so good, that they are responsible for

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Snickers Pokes fun at Retouchers With a Sports Illustrated Ad

Every once in a while we will see an epic photoshop fail making its way into the front page. Heck, even Victoria’s Secret had a Photoshop bloop a while back. Now, Sneakers is building on those fails in a new ad featured in Sport Illustrated. Sports Illustrated back cover does not target the general public, they do […]

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Offbeat with Clemens Vanderwerf

It is not often one finds someone willing to traipse around the chilly Alaskan countryside, looking for moose. But, that is precisely what I found when I met Clemens Vanderwerf last spring. We had already spent a week on the Kachemak Bay photographing eagles, sea otters, Stellar’s Sea Lions and a host of pelagic seabirds. […]

Auto-Stack Images in Lightroom for Easier HDR Processing

The other day I was showing a friend how to send images to be merged into an HDR in Photomatix Pro by exporting from Lightroom. When we were going through his image library, it was difficult for him to remember which images were in each sequence. He couldn’t remember if his camera was set to […]