
C-47: The most useful tool you have in your laundry room.

Most people refer to it as a clothes pin; in Hollywood it’s referred to as a C-47. They were named that way because back in the day there were 47 pins in a pack. The C stands for clamp, hence C-47. We’ll take them and reverse the way they clamp so that they have more […]

Lighting with China Balls

Here is a great economical way to soften your light. They’re China Balls: These were used on the set of Grey’s Anatomy. You can buy these light diffusers from World Market or     Pier 1 Imports. Here’s a link to Filmtools. Filmtools is a great resource; however, on some items they are a bit pricey. They […]

“What’s that say?”

There’s a rule about having numbers or letters in a shot, “Your eyes will always go to the letters and numbers first to see what they say.” I was planning on a personal project to have Wonder Woman breaking some binding chains on a set with some graffiti behind her. So I talked to a […]

Bounced Flash for Casual Shooting

I live in a cave. Not literally, but it sure feels like it. My house is so dark. Even with the windows wide open, on a bright sunny day, I still have to shoot at a minimum of ISO 1600. Sometimes I embrace my cave, I shoot with the high ISO, and I don’t sweat […]

“What’s in Your Bag?” Stuff!

What’s in your bag? Do you really think that the cameras and lenses that are in my bag are going to get you my job? Stop! I’m not being arrogant, however, how you shoot and I shoot are so radically different it doesn’t matter if you use the same gear as I do. We are […]

Camouflaging Shadows

“Your greatest curse could be your greatest blessing” Shadows, at times they are such a curse, but with a bit of creative manipulating they can be a wonderful blessing. When working on a Hollywood set there are times I’ll will have the Grips (the guys who rig things, their name comes from old Hollywood “because […]

Speed, Speed it’s what you need

Editor’s note: We’re proud to welcome Mike Kubeisy to the Photofocus team   His work in Hollywood makes him one of the most viewed photographers alive   Please leave a comment welcoming him     Before engaging the enemy it was a low light situation, once the rifles burst it was only then that I […]

Get To The Choppuh! – Make the Most of Photographing From a Helicopter

Editor’s Note: Welcome to new Photofocus contributor Mason Marsh. He’s a Portland, Oregon based photographer, workshop leader, educator and guide. We’re glad to add him to the team.   While drone photography is all the rage these days, there is nothing like taking to the sky in person to elevate your photography and get your heart […]

Finding Your Niche

Editor’s Note: We’d like to welcome Nicci Widener.  She’s a photographer and a mother of 3 from the Pacific Northwest.  She first picked up a camera when her oldest child was born in 1998 but made the decision to make it a career in 2006. Please welcome her in the comments below. Everyone has a story about how […]