This is the story behind Robert Capa’s D-Day photos on Normandy Beach

Every iconic photograph through history has a story to go with it. Sometimes, the picture tells the story all by itself. Robert Capa’s photographs of the D-Day landings on Normandy beach are a prime example. But there are other stories, too. The photographs themselves takes on a life of their own. Studying them infers things […]

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Meet the USAAC Navigator who possesses the only photographs of the Hiroshima atomic explosion

The atomic bombs dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6th & 9th in 1945 remain the only use of nuclear weapons for warfare in mankind’s history. Six days later, Japan announced its surrender to the allies, effectively ending World War II. This event has seen much debate over the years, […]

The post Meet the USAAC Navigator who possesses the only photographs of the Hiroshima atomic explosion appeared first on DIY Photography.