If we didn’t hire a professional wedding photographer, this is what we’d be left with

“The wedding was so expensive so we couldn’t afford to hire a professional photographer, but nowadays cameras are so good that our guests can take all the photos for us for free.” We have all heard it: “save money by hiring a hobby photographer” or “my uncle got a really great camera and he will […]

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How wedding photographers and videographers can stop grabbing each other by the throat

There’s hardly a wedding without a photographer and a videographer. If these two are not from the same studio, there may be some disagreements, tension, and pressure. They both aim at getting the perfect shot or footage, and it’s important that they work together, and not against each other. In this video from Adorama TV, […]

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Brides Magazine: “only choose photographers with ‘full format’ Nikon or Canon cameras”

Brides Magazine is all about weddings, yet they don’t really seem to like wedding photographers. After they advised the brides not to feed their photographers, now they have another “ingenious” piece of advice. They say you should hire a professional photographer, but they consider pros only those who use Nikon or Canon. And only full […]

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An open letter to vicars and priests from the wedding photographer

Dear Vicar, I am writing an open letter to Vicars. Not all Vicars, I hasten to add, but unfortunately it’s becoming such a regular occurrence, that I feel compelled to write to all those that it applies. You do not have to be religious to understand the depths of human spirit that a Church ceremony […]

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Wedding Photographer Couple Shoot Horror Movie Trailer To Announce Their Pregnancy

What do you get when you have two fun loving and creative wedding photographers that just so happen to be expecting a baby together? Here’s what: a really, really clever pregnancy announcement. Take, for example, the husband-wife photography team Judy & Gavin Holt , who have just announced to the world they’re expecting a baby […]

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