How to shoot wet portraits in a home studio using high speed flash

Water is one of the most versatile subjects one can photograph. The very nature of water, though, means that it’s wet, so it can be messy and potentially dangerous. Working with it to shoot portraits in a home studio especially so. It’s not impossible, though. You just need to plan ahead, prepare properly, and perhaps […]

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How to photograph and post process water splashes using minimal equipment

Photographing splashing liquids is great fun. There’s all kinds of things you can do with it. Moving the lighting around, using coloured gels, or swapping over to a completely different liquid altogether. Often, though, the simplest place to start is with one of the most abundant substances on the planet, and that’s water. That’s the […]

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A glass full of water makes for some great photography illusions

Optical illusions using glass and water have always been popular with photography. Whether it’s reflections of objects on top of each other or the world seen through a water droplet, it’s a fascinating subject. So, it’s no wonder that so many photographers want to give it a try. One such photographer is Brazilian born Alexandre Watanabe, also […]

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This photographer specialises in liquids to produce amazing images

You may not have heard of British commercial photographer David Lund, but chances are you’ve probably seen his work.  David’s worked with brands including Rolls Royce, Baileys, Revlon, and Kellogg’s to produce some of the fantastic photography and video we see in advertisements every day. David specialises in liquid & beverage photography and in this video he’s […]

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Wedding photographer gets accidental baptism by falling into a fountain

When the world says one needs to get immersed in their craft to become the best, I don’t think this is what they’re talking about. While we don’t have any details on the couple or photographer in this video, what we do know is that a photographer managed to give himself and his camera gear […]

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Underwater Portraits with Directed Light

Editor’s Note: Please welcome new Photofocus contributor Erika Thornes.  She is a San Diego based photographer who loves to make lasting memories for families.  She is also a member of the PPA (Professional Photographers of America) and ASMP (American Society of Media Photographers). Please leave her comment below this article…  we’re glad to have her on board. Underwater […]