Syrian photojournalist helps bombing victims instead of taking photos

The job of a photojournalist is difficult and surrounded by danger. Still, we often argue about the ethics of photojournalism. The opinions vary whether they should be taking photos, or help those in need when things get tough. Photographer and activist Abd Alkader Habak made his decision last weekend, when a bomb hit a convoy […]

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Film retrieved from a buried capsule shows life in Nazi-controlled ghetto [NSFW]

How do you feel when you see a major historic document right before your eyes? And what about seeing dozens of images that testify about the past? A series of images by Henryk Ross from the Nazi-occupied Jewish ghetto could make you feel the connection with the past you’ve never felt before. The series of […]

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Meet the USAAC Navigator who possesses the only photographs of the Hiroshima atomic explosion

The atomic bombs dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6th & 9th in 1945 remain the only use of nuclear weapons for warfare in mankind’s history. Six days later, Japan announced its surrender to the allies, effectively ending World War II. This event has seen much debate over the years, […]

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US Marine photographer recreates iconic war photography with Star Wars action figures

We just posted about Felix’s Sandtroopers project yesterday, but is it too soon to post another Star Wars miniature related project?  We don’t think so, so here’s a behind the scenes look into photographer Matthew Callahan’s essay, Galactic Warfighters. As a US Marine, Matthew serves as a combat correspondent, giving him special insight into war photography that many of us […]

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