A Slow Mo Guy talks about the challenges of shooting high speed slow motion video

High speed photography for stills presents a whole lot of challenges, just for a single image. When you’re trying to capture a thousand, ten thousand or a hundred thousand of them every second, those challenges quickly compound. Whether stills or video, the key ingredient is light, and lots of it. This is why The Slow […]

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Combine regular, fast, and slow motion footage for mind bending video effects

Fundamentally, for me, photography’s about playing with time. Either you’re freezing a moment of it, or you’re capturing a lot of it into a single image. There’s a lot we can do with those two principles, but ultimately you’re creating a still image. This image only shows one of those two things. A moment frozen, or […]

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What Camera Quality Settings Should I Use for Photos and Video?

One of the questions I get most often from people who have just picked up a new camera is: What camera quality settings should I use for photos and video? I usually answer that question with another question: Have you ever desperately wished that you only had a low quality version of a specific image […]

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Vimeo finally adds support for 360° videos up to 8K and a marketplace to sell your content

Yes, that’s right. Vimeo now finally supports 360° videos. Although YouTube has supported 360° videos for a while, many have criticised the low quality and high compression often shown. Even when uploading 4K 360° video to YouTube, the already degraded image loses so much more as a result. Facebook’s 360° video suffers from even higher […]

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Blackmagic’s new 4.6K URSA Mini Pro is three cameras in one

Blackmagic Design’s URSA Mini 4K and URSA Mini 4.6K have been extremely popular amongst cinematographers. And for good reason. They are extremely capable cameras that provide excellent results. But, there are features that users have been asking for. Features that would make them even more powerful and faster to use. In response, Blackmagic Design have […]

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How to effectively use Warp Stabilizer to make your shaky footage rock steady

Even if you’re trying to be as rock steady as possible with your footage, the camera almost inevitably moves in a way you hadn’t counted on. Sometimes you’ll just shoot it again, but there may be no opportunity for that. You might not even know there’s a problem until you’re back home reviewing the footage. […]

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Instagram now allows sharing multiple photos in a single post

After testing their “Album” feature in Android Beta, Instagram has now officially released it. It is now possible to upload up to ten photos or videos in a single post. We argued before that Instagram is looking more and more like Facebook, and repeating some of its own mistakes. However, this new this feature may […]

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The best LED video lighting kit you can get for $500

With as much competition as there is in today’s LED marketplace, it can be tough to know what’s worth buying. There’s so many models out there that look almost identical to each other (or are identical, but with a different brand name). CRIs are all over the place, as is colour balance. As a beginner […]

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Swiss couple quit their jobs to travel Asia and create this epic hyperlapse

Other than coming home with great photos, traveling enriches your soul and helps you learn more about yourself, the others, and the world. A young Swiss couple shares this point of view, and they have even quit their jobs so they can travel Asia for six months. And it wasn’t for nothing. Sylvain Botter and […]

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Watch: it took 200 rolls of film to create this timelapse commercial

Today, we see plenty of awesome timelapse videos created with still cameras. Sometimes they are even made from screenshots. But twenty years ago, they weren’t very common. In 1997, Alastair Thain filmed a commercial for Nikon F5, “technically the quickest camera in the world”. And to prove it really was the quickest, he created a […]

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