This “hands free umbrella” is either most genius idea ever for shooting in the rain or the dumbest

Shooting in the rain is a big concern for many photographers. Especially if you live in a country with somewhat unpredictable weather. I’ve shot in the rain plenty of times over the years, but I’m usually using weather sealed equipment that can handle it. In more extreme weather, I’ve even tried some of the DSLR raincoats. […]

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Modifying Speedlights & Magmod Mini Review

Making great light is essential to making great portraits. And I mean that: you’ve got to make great light. You can find a good source of available light, but I’ve rarely seen any available light that couldn’t be made better, either with reflectors and flags or by adding light somewhere with a flash. When you […]

Shooting Outdoors? Pack an Umbrella.

I frequently travel to shoot landscapes and time lapses.  One thing that seems to always follow me is a dark cloud.  No, I’m not Charlie Brown… I mean it just seems to rain a bit on most of my shoot days. For example… in the middle of this timelapse it started to pour…  and the […]

Use A 3D Printed Strobe Mount To Get Your Strobe 89% on Axis

A few days ago we shared a cool way to mount a strobe to a tree using a 3D printed “dog bone” and a strap. It used a cool housing for the strobe that placed the strobe 100% on axis which was very cool. We actually got some mails about that flash mount from the video so we asked Chris […]

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