UV camera & ringflash shows subjects in a whole new light with amazing results

We’ve all seen the effects UV from sunlight has on human skin and why you should be heading for the sunscreen. But what about using it safely in a more creative manner? Thats’ what French UV and IR photographer Pierre-Louis Ferrer wanted to find out. So, he developed a UV ringflash, to shoot some crazy […]

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Watch these 10 fruits chopped up under UV light

Going out of the visible light spectrum isn’t something most photographers think to try. But for a select few, seeing the invisible has become an integral part of their photography. Infrared conversions are common for DSLRs these days, and prices have come down greatly. What’s not seen so often, though, is UV photography. Mathieu Stern […]

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Six great tips for creating freakishly awesome UV photography

A few weeks ago, the folks from the Cooperative of Photography brought us an excellent video on taking our photography to the next level. One of the projects highlighted in that video was on UV photography. Starting simple and building it up to produce something amazing. This time, the Cooperative are back with photographer Markus Berger and some […]

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The Hidden Wonders of the Amazon

Photographer Nicky Bay headed to the Amazon’s tropical rainforests, but he wasn’t after the jaguars, anacondas, sloths or piranhas the region is so famous for. Instead, being a macro photography, Nicky set out to document the creatures so small they are often overlooked or disregarded. If you like creepy-crawlies you will love these photos. If […]

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Building An Ultra Violet Flash For Black Light Photography

Back in May I got collaboration offer, from a body painter, to make photo session with airbrushed models. This offer gave me the incentive, to finally try out blacklight photography, what I wanted to try out for years now. After searching through web, I found, that blacklight photography is technically rather complicated process. The main obstacle of […]

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