Five different and easy ways to clean up skin blemishes with Photoshop

No matter who we are, our skin isn’t perfect. It’s just a fact of life. The odd zit here and there, a little scratch, perhaps a single stray hair. There’s always something. So, for portraits, temporary blemishes usually need a quick touch up. Fortunately, such issues are easy to fix in Photoshop. Or, more accurately, […]

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10 tips to make selections that cut out anything in Photoshop

Photoshop’s selection tools seem to evolve and change with every new update. Techniques and technology evolve to make selections a little easier than they were before. At least, that’s the theory, sometimes they just get more frustrating. But, there’s still no one technique that works for everything. This video from Nathaniel Dodson at Tutvid is a […]

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The 10 best and worst things about Photoshop CC

Photoshop’s one of those essential tools that most photographers can’t live without. It’s been the industry leading application for years, and it may still be for some time to come (maybe), but it’s not perfect. In this rather extensive video from Nathaniel Dodson at Tutvid, he talks us through his 10 favourite and least favourite things […]

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