At 101 Years Old, Japan’s First Female Photojournalist Still Loves Taking Photos

As a 25 year old, Tokyo born Tsuneko Sasamoto, made the decision to become a professional photographer. World War II was just getting underway and, in Japan, it was mostly unheard of for a woman to choose a career over a husband. That didn’t stop the young Sasamoto–she had been shooting since her early twenty’s, […]

The post At 101 Years Old, Japan’s First Female Photojournalist Still Loves Taking Photos appeared first on DIY Photography.

At 101 Years Old, Japan’s First Female Photojournalist Still Loves Taking Photos

As a 25 year old, Tokyo born Tsuneko Sasamoto, made the decision to become a professional photographer. World War II was just getting underway and, in Japan, it was mostly unheard of for a woman to choose a career over a husband. That didn’t stop the young Sasamoto–she had been shooting since her early twenty’s, […]

The post At 101 Years Old, Japan’s First Female Photojournalist Still Loves Taking Photos appeared first on DIY Photography.