Asher Svidensky Isn’t Shooting Anyone: On Photography As a Language

“Photography is the youngest language in the world,” says photographer Asher Svidensky in his most recent TEDx Talk, but why are the words used to describe photography so violent? Join Asher on his 11-minute talk about how photography can be a bonding tool, rather than a dividing one, how he uses it to express himself […]

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How to Photograph Anywhere

“My four-year-old daughter is making her first journey on an airplane later this week. I’m making a slideshow of pictures to show her how the process of flying works so that she won’t be nervous when we go to the airport and board the plane. May I make a picture of you to include and […]

8 ways to tell better stories with your photography

While many photographers can generate lots of nice individual pictures, creating a photo story, or a photo essay, is a lot harder. If you think of the greatest documentary photographers, such as Henri Cartier Bresson, Dorothea Lange and Don McCullin, they cut their teeth working for picture-based magazines and while a lot of these have… Continue reading

The post 8 ways to tell better stories with your photography appeared first on Digital Camera World.