German tourist dies while taking a “flying selfie” at Machu Picchu in Peru

They say that two things are certain in life; Death and taxes. Taxes we can’t do anything about, but I don’t think anybody until now realised just how many of those entirely preventable deaths could be attributed to shooting selfies. You just can’t seem to go very long these days without hearing about another one. Some […]

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Photo Series Shows How Hard It Is For Photographers To Shoot Their Girlfriends

If you are a photographer chances are that you like to take photos of your family, friends and significant others. But not everyone likes to have their photos taken. In fact, there are quite a lot of people who specifically don’t like their photo to be taken, and will find creative ways to avoid being […]

The post Photo Series Shows How Hard It Is For Photographers To Shoot Their Girlfriends appeared first on DIY Photography.