
Up your game on Instagram with these street lifestyle photography tips

Images on Instagram generally tend to fall into three categories. Food & Drink, travel & lifestyle, and then everything else. Even when just photographing friends for an Instagram post, the lifestyle kind of images tend to perform well. But creating a pleasing lifestyle image isn’t really as straightforward as just pointing your phone at your […]

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10 beginner tips to up your photo game and improve your work

No matter how experienced we may get as photographers, there are always ways to improve. Sometimes it’s learning something new. At other times it’s simply seeing something in a new way. Occasionally, it’s just getting reminders to help us lose bad habits that might make us screw up. The folks at Mango Street have been […]

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3 Instagram styling tips to stop your photos from sucking

The Instagram struggle is real. Everybody wants more followers, more likes, more comments. People post every day, but see very little response. Why is that? Well, there are many reasons, but one of them could be the images themselves. Many images that work fine on a monitor or printed out often scale down well to […]

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7 Tips to make your camera’s battery last longer

With the number of extra gadgets and doohickies built into our cameras these days, battery life is diminishing. Larger sensors, faster processors, more memory, built in WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS all drain our batteries faster than they used to. Keeping spare batteries on you is always a good idea when you’re out with your camera. […]

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Finding locations with great light with the King of the urban jungle!

Today I’m here with Kyle Cong running through his approach on shooting out on location with strobes and how he finds them! Hey Kyle! The first thing that struck me about your work was the colour toning and how beautifully focused your compositions were. Your location choices are spot on! Can you tell us about your […]

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Here’s how to burst that double gel bubble with Pre-Vis!

Two things happened to lead to this portrait, a last minute reschedule from a client and a mess around in Set.A.Light 3D Studio. Then it hit me, I could create an idea of a shoot in the program. Then walk downstairs and copy the setup and boom. Sorted. After loading up Set.A.Light and placing down the […]

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Tips for Improving Your Fall Photography

The vivid colors of fall offer nearly endless opportunities for photography. Everywhere you look, it seems as though another great photo is presenting itself. Brush up on a few tips before heading out for shoots this fall to make the most of the gorgeous season. Choose your locations carefully Researching locations ahead of time allows […]