Tank Man: The story behind Jeff Widener’s iconic photo

As you probably know, TIME Magazine has recently published a list of 100 most influential photos of all time. Of course, Tank Man can’t be left out from this list, since it’s definitely one of the most iconic and influential photos ever taken. Jeff Widener took it in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, when the Chinese troops […]

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Tank Man: The story behind Jeff Widener’s iconic photo

As you probably know, TIME Magazine has recently published a list of 100 most influential photos of all time. Of course, Tank Man can’t be left out from this list, since it’s definitely one of the most iconic and influential photos ever taken. Jeff Widener took it in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, when the Chinese troops […]

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Trump Trolled By Time – A Photographic Deconstruction of the Man of the Year 2016 Cover

The perceived devil horns grabbed the headlines, but the real story behind the deep symbolism embedded within Time Magazine’s 2016 person of the year cover featuring Donald Trump is much more interesting. Nadav Kander is a brilliant photographer and the impression of Donald Trump that you get from his photograph is unmistakable – following in […]

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Time magazine accidentally gives devil horns to Donald Trump

Each year, the editors of Time magazine choose the person of the year – the one who has most influenced the news and the world over the past year. But this year, their cover page reading “Donald Trump: President of the Divided States of America” caused a major stir on social networks. And all because […]

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How to shoot amazing night time photography

With the impending Perseid meteor shower peak over the next couple of days, night time photography has suddenly become popular. But when you’re expecting one of the best meteor shower views in years, what else can you expect? In this video from TIME, photographer Stuart Palley shares tips to create beautiful photographs after the sun goes down. […]

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