Step by step how to capture a timelapse movie

Jason Parnell-Brookes shows you how to create a tilt-shift timelapse movie to bring the so-called ‘toytown’ effect to life. Clouds billowing over mountains and spilling into valleys; traffic zipping around busy streets; flowers bursting into life at a speed we don’t ordinarily get to see. These are just a few of the delights that timelapse… Continue reading

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Photo Journal: Canada Day Fireworks + Moon

Photographing fireworks seems like you’re capturing some kind of mythical beast. It was Canada Day yesterday, so I packed up my gear and drove off in search of some magical explosions to capture! (Learn more about how to photograph fireworks from this blog post here.) I’ve photographed many fireworks before (not professionally – though that […]

The post Photo Journal: Canada Day Fireworks + Moon appeared first on Photography Concentrate.