The truck carrying all of Sony’s gear for NAB gets stolen on the way to Vegas

There’s a report coming out of Canon Rumors at the moment that one of Sony’s trucks has been stolen. This truck apparently contains all of the equipment that was destined to appear at the NAB show in Las Vegas taking place next week. CR also report that Sony’s truck contained some equipment from other manufacturers which […]

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The emotional moment a photographer gets her stolen camera equipment back

The worst fear of most photographers is having their equipment stolen. Yes, it’s “only gear”, and yes you should insure it, but you grow attached to it. You get used to its little quirks that let you bring out the best in it. Even if it is insured, you have to wait, sometimes for weeks, […]

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Canadian photographer’s life’s work goes missing from burgled home on Christmas Eve

Coming home to find that you have been burgled is devastating. It’s a sad thing to happen to somebody at any time of year. For it to happen on Christmas Eve and find your entire life’s work missing must be absolutely soul destroying. But, that’s exactly what happened to sports photographer, Johany Jutras, upon returning home on Christmas Eve after a […]

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Canadian photographer’s life’s work goes missing from burgled home on Christmas Eve

Coming home to find that you have been burgled is devastating. It’s a sad thing to happen to somebody at any time of year. For it to happen on Christmas Eve and find your entire life’s work missing must be absolutely soul destroying. But, that’s exactly what happened to sports photographer, Johany Jutras, upon returning home on Christmas Eve after a […]

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Photography community comes together to battle the epidemic of stolen equipment

There’s an interesting discussion that’s popped up on Facebook recently over what we may be able to do to help better protect our equipment out in the wild. We’re not talking about the bags we leave laying around filled with gear we’re not currently using, but items actually on our person that are all too […]

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Camera thieves caught trying to sell stolen goods to off-duty Brooklyn cop

Having one’s camera gear stolen is the nightmare of every photographer. The nightmare for those that steal it? Being arrested by the guy you’re trying to sell it to. But, that’s exactly what happened to two thieves who stole from a visiting photographer in the middle of a session with a client. Chicago based photographer Mirlanbek […]

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