Photo capturing the Sun, ISS and Mercury in a single frame

No, this is not a TIE fighter gong over the sun, it is the International Space Station. And while getting a shot of the ISS over the sun is competently doable, getting that shot with Mercury in the frame is an epic effort. Engineer and photographer Thierry Legault took this composite of the ISS, Sun and Mercury […]

The post Photo capturing the Sun, ISS and Mercury in a single frame appeared first on DIY Photography.

Photo capturing the Sun, ISS and Mercury in a single frame

No, this is not a TIE fighter gong over the sun, it is the International Space Station. And while getting a shot of the ISS over the sun is competently doable, getting that shot with Mercury in the frame is an epic effort. Engineer and photographer Thierry Legault took this composite of the ISS, Sun and Mercury […]

The post Photo capturing the Sun, ISS and Mercury in a single frame appeared first on DIY Photography.