Midwest Photo Exchange suffers burglary, hundreds of lenses and cameras stolen

After a massive theft in Veydra HQ, Midwest Photo Exchange in Columbus, Ohio suffered a robbery too. In the late night of March 15th, someone broke into their new facility, stealing hundreds of gear elements. As MPEX tells DIYP, it appears that the thieves planned the break in advance. It also appears that it was […]

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Your photos will get stolen. And what will you do then?

From people who download someone else’s photo for the desktop background, to those who steal photos from others and represent them as their own – photo theft is a pretty common occurrence. Many people don’t take the credits, but don’t give them to the author either (just remember the Tyra Banks case). In this episode of […]

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Photographer flew from UK to South Africa to confront a woman who stole his photos

The topic of stealing and publishing other people’s photos is a very sensitive one among photographers. Has it ever happened to you? We all respond differently to such situations, but one photographer took it pretty far. Paul Eustice flew all the way from UK to South Africa to confront the woman who stole his photos […]

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Razer announce world’s first triple 4K display laptop at CES then two prototypes get stolen

CES 2017 may over, but the gear and technology announced over the weekend is still in the news. For Razer, though, CES 2017 appears to have been something of a bittersweet event. Let’s start with the good news. Razer introduced the world to Project Valerie, the world’s first triple 4K display laptop. And oh boy […]

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PhotoTracker Lite is the new free plugin to help you find photo thieves on the web

It’s no secret. Copyright theft is rife on the Internet. Finding online photo thieves to send DMCA takedown notices and a bill is even a full time job for some people. But what if you want to look for yourself? Well, there are a few services out there, but checking them all individually, manually, can be […]

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Kylie Jenner is being accused of stealing other peoples concepts and ideas…again

It’s not the first time Kylie Jenner’s been accused of stealing other peoples ideas. She’s been accused of copying lipstick formulas form other companies. She’s also been accused of stealing a makeup artist’s eyeshadow palette for her “KyShadows”, as well as imagery from LA make-up artist Vlada Haggerty. You might remember Vlada. We featured a post […]

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How do you deal with copyright infringement when it’s for “a good cause”?

In about one week will mark the anniversary of the most traumatic and violent piece of history in France in the last decades. The 13th of november 2015, several coordinated terrorist attacks took place in Paris, less than a year after the attacks against the newspaper Charlie Hebdo. Still today, Paris feels different. Much like […]

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Camera thieves caught trying to sell stolen goods to off-duty Brooklyn cop

Having one’s camera gear stolen is the nightmare of every photographer. The nightmare for those that steal it? Being arrested by the guy you’re trying to sell it to. But, that’s exactly what happened to two thieves who stole from a visiting photographer in the middle of a session with a client. Chicago based photographer Mirlanbek […]

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I Just Made $2500 From A Single Copyright Infringement – And You Can Too

There’s nothing better than receiving an email with a $2500 paycheck attached to it out of the blue. That was my cut of a settlement that Pixsy was able to secure on my behalf from a single unauthorized use of one of my photos. If you’ve ever had one of your photos published without a license […]

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Getty files Copyright suit over stolen photo resale scheme on Facebook

Getty Images has filed a copyright infringement suit against Ohio man, Walter A. Kowalczuk for allegedly downloading as many as 3,400 high resolution images from Getty’s servers without permission which he then resold through a private group on Facebook. According to PDN, Getty’s claim against Kowalczuk, filed June 8th in US District Court in Cleveland, states […]

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