Thai photographers offer thanks to their teachers and their cameras on a huge gear altar

This has to be one of the strangest images I’ve seen for a while. Somebody kneeling at a table littered with cameras, lenses, drones and other photography related equipment. At first it appears to be some sort of photography cult that worships camera gear. Like a form of extreme GAS. But that’s not quite what this […]

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‘Liking’ and sharing a photo in Thailand can land you 30 years in prison

How often do you ‘like’ or share a photo on Facebook? However often it is, don’t take it for granted – in Thailand, ‘liking’ and sharing the wrong photo on Facebook can get you up to 30 years in prison. As laid out in an article from Quartz, a recent online incident took place that has […]

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Thai fisherman rescues elderly nature photographers stuck in the mud

A Norwegian couple visiting Thailand’s southern city of Krabi was out birdwatching and photographing when they got stuck in the mud. Luckily a local fisherman came to their rescue and helped them out, risking getting stuck himself, despite being able to easily make off with their expensive equipment. The fisherman asked for nothing in return, […]

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