‘The Great 24-70mm f/2.8 Shootout’ pits nearly identical Canon, Nikkor, Pentax and Sony against each other

No matter what brand of camera you prefer, there’s a good chance a 24–70mm f/2.8 lens is available for the mount. It’s one of the most versatile pieces of glass out there and almost every company manufacturers some variation of it. To put four of these variations to the test, Camera Store TV created a […]

The post ‘The Great 24-70mm f/2.8 Shootout’ pits nearly identical Canon, Nikkor, Pentax and Sony against each other appeared first on DIY Photography.

A Quick Look at the Samsung’s NX1

Mirrorless has come a long way since its introduction into the market. With technology advancing and improving so quickly, it is to no surprise that a technology companies, like Samsung, are able to produce amazing photography equipment alongside the other devices they make. Those in the industry aren’t radically surprised by the great mirrorless cameras […]