Increase Mouse Accuracy in OSX

If you’ve ever switched from a PC to a Mac, there’s no doubt that you’ve realized that moving the mouse just isn’t the same– like something doesn’t feel right. I really noticed it when I was younger and played video games that needed precision, and maybe you have experienced it too. That sensation is called […]

Auto-Stack Images in Lightroom for Easier HDR Processing

The other day I was showing a friend how to send images to be merged into an HDR in Photomatix Pro by exporting from Lightroom. When we were going through his image library, it was difficult for him to remember which images were in each sequence. He couldn’t remember if his camera was set to […]

Batch Rename Images Using Adobe Bridge

Naming your images on import is good practice but there’s times when you’d like to rename a batch of images after import, maybe you’ve whittled down the images and would like them to be sequentially numbered or, and I admit this happens far too frequently, your images are named ‘Enter custom name here’. The examples […]

Batch Rename Images Using Adobe Bridge

Naming your images on import is good practice but there’s times when you’d like to rename a batch of images after import, maybe you’ve whittled down the images and would like them to be sequentially numbered or, and I admit this happens far too frequently, your images are named ‘Enter custom name here’. The examples […]

Four Tips to Standard Portrait Headshot Posing

When it comes to posing and composing your subject for a standard portrait headshot, getting the look you want requires trying various poses depending on their personality and the reason for the headshot. Here’s a few tips I use as part of every headshot session I shoot. 1.One super pet peeve of mine is missing body […]

Book Review: Rick Sammon’s Creative Visualization for Photographers

Rick Sammon has a super power: he makes any photographic technique or concept simple to understand. It’s really an incredible talent he has cultivated, and he turns it loose to help photographers. He’s been teaching a long time, and his latest book is a culmination of a lifetime of learning, shooting, and teaching. Rick Sammon’s […]

Boundary Warp in Lightroom CC

The new Boundary Warp feature within Lightroom CC can help you relatively seamlessly fill in the ‘transparent’ areas on your panoramas by intelligently warping the edges without distorting details. Howard Pinsky is an online Photoshop and Lightroom educator, offering over 400 videos. Be sure to follow Howard for more updates by clicking on the links below! Follow on Twitter […]

Lightroom Hangout: Lies Cameras Tell

You gotta join us live for our next Google+ Hangout, totally free of charge. Not only will you learn terrific techniques, but if you tune in live, you can be entered to win excellent prizes to help you in your work. (Note: MUST BE TUNED IN LIVE TO WIN). We’ll be giving away a copy of Perfectly Clear from Athentech. […]