Focus On Your Subject By Using Layers

There are many ways that we, as photographers, bring focus to the subjects of our photos. We use light and shadow, composition, and focal points. One of my favorite ways of bringing focus to my subjects that isn’t one of those options is  to layer found elements of the environment. Layers can be created from […]

Modifying Speedlights & Magmod Mini Review

Making great light is essential to making great portraits. And I mean that: you’ve got to make great light. You can find a good source of available light, but I’ve rarely seen any available light that couldn’t be made better, either with reflectors and flags or by adding light somewhere with a flash. When you […]

How to Capture Starbursts and Sun Flares

While in London, my new friend, Dave Williams, helped lead a Photo Walk. Dave is a travel photographer and, as luck would have it, he lived in London. He knew all the good places to shoot! Since I was one of the leaders of the walk, I didn’t have as much time as I would […]

Sony a6000 with Neewer Underwater Case

I use Sony a6000 as my primary underwater camera. It is 24.3MP so I can easily compose in editing. The kit lens is sharp and shoots wide. The Sony shoots in RAW, necessary for white balance and editing after the fact. It has very fast autofocus which can keep up with my subjects as well […]

Synchronizing folders in Lightroom

As much as I try to keep my workflow minimal and simplistic, sometimes there are other pieces of software that I’d like to use that don’t seamlessly integrate with Lightroom. When you use a third party program to edit a picture outside of Lightroom’s knowledge (i.e. when Lightroom is closed), Lightroom doesn’t have a chance […]

Close-Up with a Tilt Lens: Lensbaby Edge 50 Mini Review

I really enjoy close-up photography, so when my daughter had a dance recital recently, I had ulterior motives for buying her a bouquet of flowers. Right after she was in bed, I set about photographing her flowers. In this case, I wanted to put a new lens through its paces, and this lens is uniquely […]

Staying Safe Around Wild Horses

I am fortunate to have several groups of wild horses and burros that live within a 20-minute drive of my home. They are one of my favorite subjects to photograph with the stark Nevada desert as a backdrop. While I did not own horses as a kid, I grew up around them and am very […]

Being Prepared Makes all the Difference

I love the Boy Scout motto of Be Prepared. As a photographer that often means carrying extra batteries, a spare camera, and an extra memory card. But also knowing the location, and what conditions you’ll be working under. Practice Ahead of Time We just recently moved into a house with a pool, and I have […]

4K. What’s all the Hubub, Bub?

A while back, I was chatting with Scott Bourne about the emerging 4K acquisition standard and the video camera “arms race” originally started by Red Digital Cinema. At the time, he said “Rich Harrington is always talking about 4K as well. I get it. It’s a bigger frame, but I am not sure how that […]