Ways to Create a Blurry Background in Your Photos

Depth of field refers to the amount of photo in focus. One reason many people purchase a DSLR camera is to blur their backgrounds with ease. Creating a creamy, blurred background helps a subject “pop” or stand out from the background. The following tips will help you create this desired blur. Gain an understanding of […]

5 Reasons to Shoot With a 50mm Prime Lens

When you bought your DSLR camera, most likely it came with a kit lens. Modern kit lenses are a great pace to start. However, after a while, you may find yourself itching to try other lenses. There are so many lenses on the market that it’s often overwhelming narrowing down one or two lenses to […]

23 tips to turn you into a street photography ninja!

The good folks at COOPH are back again, and this time they’ve got together with street photographer Thomas Leuthard to offer some creative and practical tips to help improve your street photography. This 4 minute video packs a lot of information into a short space of time and I’m sure many will be able to pick up at […]

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‘The Kubrick Gaze’: a captivating tribute to the iconic stares of Stanley Kubrick films

Stanley Kubrick is one of the most iconic directors to ever grace the film industry. His unusual shots and techniques might seem unorthodox, but they’re what made him who he is. As a tribute to just one of Kubrick’s many distinct compositions and shooting techniques, Spanish filmmaker Jorge Luengo Ruiz has put together a supercut […]

The post ‘The Kubrick Gaze’: a captivating tribute to the iconic stares of Stanley Kubrick films appeared first on DIY Photography.

Four Simple No-Cost Steps To Being The Best Photographer You Can Be

I’m going to share an exercise with you that is so simple, some of you may have trouble believing it can work. But it does. Over the years I’ve shared this with hundreds of photographers – in person, at workshops, seminars, etc. I’ve also extended this information via blogs and podcasts to countless thousands. Of […]