How to use an old photography technique to create surreal digital images

I re-invented a new photographing technique. The technique is new in the digital domain but, in fact, the phenomenon itself was known since the early era of digital photography. I don’t remember the name of the camera but I heard that digital cameras could not capture colours before the Bayer filter was invented so you […]

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Photographer painted 20 models like skeletons to tell a story of love, just in time for Halloween

Collaborations are hard, and the difficulty bar gets higher the more people involved. However, pulling a big collaborative effort done well, can produce massive results. Photographer Rob Woodcox (see his story here) collaborated with over 20 friends and three top creatives to cope up with the skeleton queene story. Each photo of the Skeleton Queen story […]

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Passion, patience and process. How I shot my personal project “The Big Bow”

I think one of the most important aspects of a successful photo is what happens before you ever click the shutter. Pre-visualization of what you want the photo to look like can happen quickly where you immediately envision the final photo, or it can develop over time where you build on your original concept, adding […]

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Why I never hung this photo on my living room wall

Sometimes you find what you are not looking for I always tell people to plan the photoshoots ahead, and urge them to try to see the complete image in your head already before taking the first shots… However, sometimes it takes a full U-turn and completely uncharted routes to end up with an amazing image. […]

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Using Smoke Bombs In Portraits For A Strong Effect

Here is a technique I did not think I will ever be covering on the blog, using smoke bombs. In fact I did not even know that there is such a thing as smoke bombs until I stumbled on the photography of Jovana Rikalo. Serbian photographer Jovana Rikalo uses smoke bombs to create some unexpected effects in his […]

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